Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Girl's Eyes Produce Crystals

A Lebanese girl has baffled doctors by producing tiny crystals from her eyes. Since March of this year, 12-year-old Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani has been producing tiny crystals at an average rate of seven a day.

Although the crystals are as sharp as cut glass, Hasnah says she feels no pain and doctors cannot explain the phenomenon. Her father wants her to see specialists in Europe or America to find an explanation. Eye surgeon Dr Nasib El-Lakkis said he will be sending details of this case to an eye surgeons conference in Spain.

Twelve-year-old Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani produced razor-sharp glass crystals from her eyes, Share International reported at the end of 1996. Nabil Matraji, our correspondent in the Lebanon, contacted the Meselmani family to find out more about the amazing phenomenon, which lasted from March till November 1996. A discussion with Hasnah confirmed that the unseen hand behind the crystal miracle was that of Maitreya. A report about the mysterious "white knight" follows.

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  1. hallo tupai,

    dont think u still remember me but azuar sgt la excited bila jumpa blog ang nih. ehhehehe. blog ang yg 1st tu xleh nk komen la. jdik kasik tumpang komen disni.

    ni blog azuar >>

    see yaa.

  2. eh? xleh komen eh? mslh teknikal kot ;p

    aiseh, ni sape? org umah azuar ke?

  3. aah. kta prnh jumpa dulu msa kat penang.

  4. this was from 1996/ and the girl addmited it was a fraud


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